Who runs capitalism? It isn’t what you think.


Most people think capitalism is run by corporations and the wealthy.

But that’s not true.

The truth is, capitalism is run by an invisible group of nonentities.

I know that sounds like a conspiracy theory. But stay with me for just one minute.

Put it this way: capitalism is a busy, complex system. All those wheels turning.  All those people working. Offices. Factories. Lorries. Shops.

Someone has to make that work.

And that someone, or to be more precise, those people, are the Concierge Class.

Every day, that unseen army is working to advance the aims of corporations and the rich.

From accountants to trade associations, and from scientists to think tanks, the members of the concierge class serve their masters diligently, devising ways to help them evade taxes, change legislation, and sway public opinion.

And the result is more profit for the rich, a widening of inequality, and a weakening of democracy.

To explain that further, I’ve written ‘The Concierge Class‘. It’s the first book to explain the inner workings of concierge capitalism. It shows how the corporations and the rich co-opt skilled professionals into hiding their cash, pushing their agenda, and whispering in the ears of politicians.

In it, you’ll get to know the professionals who protect and promote the aims of corporations and the wealthy.

Once they’ve begun to collude in the plans of the wealthy, they adopt their values and beliefs, rarely stopping to consider the impact of their actions.

And few people notice.

Are you a member of the Concierge Class? Or one of their victims? The book’s Culpability Index will let you know, and show you how to fight back.

And the Culpability Index will reveal whether you’re part of The Concierge Class.

The Concierge Class is the first book to reveal the secretive actions of the middle-class professionals who work for corporations and the ultra-wealthy.

From lawyers and bankers to PR consultants and think tanks, they willingly do their clients’  bidding to the disadvantage of the rest of us.

Mostly unthinking people, the willing few create millionaires, increase inequality, and undermine democracy.